Conference is rescheduled to 19th - 21st Jan 2017

Revised presentation schedule will be upload in the website soon - Workshop Registration is open - Paper Presentation through Skype can be done with prior approval from the Program Chair through mail ( - Selected extended papers will be published in International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (Inderscience Publishers - scopus indexed)

ICoAC 2016

ICoAC 2016 is an international conference in the field of Computer Science and Communication, focusing to address issues and developments in advanced computing. The conference seeks to bring together international researchers to present papers and generate discussions in recent trends and developments of computing. This conference will feature a range of presentations on latest research activities as well as stimulating talks and keynote addresses. The theme of the conference is Data Science and Computing .

ICoAC is organised by the Department of Computer Technology annually during December. Our Information Society is facing challenges due to the complexity of its structure in terms of networking, middle ware, peer to peer applications, ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing with diverse usage in commercial, personal, communal and public domains, posing various critical issues to be addressed and solved. This conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Madras Section.

Previous Sponsors